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… But there’s something unique that humans get from interacting with one another that doesn’t come across as well through technology. “Screens are distancing,” says Thalia Wheatley, a professor of psychological and brain science at Dartmouth who studies the difference between face-to-face and online interaction. “In face-to-face communication, you are sharing a moment in time and space with someone,” she says. “That is incredibly compelling for our ancient brains.”

ダートマス(Dartmouth)大学で心理学・脳科学を教えているウィートリー教授(Thalia Wheatley)は、独創的なもの(something unique)は人と人との間のやり取りで得られるものであって、テクノロジーを通して、ではない、と言ってます。

In face-to-face communication, you are sharing a moment in time and space with someone


Scientists are still puzzling out why in-person communication is superior, Wheatley says, but her lab has found some clues. The more eye contact people have during a conversation, for instance, the more in sync they are with one another. The current state of video calls, in which you stare at a tiny dot that is the camera in your computer or phone to make it appear that you’re looking someone in the eye, cannot replicate that experience. People trust one another more when they share a communal meal off of the same plate instead of eating from individual plates, she says, and the brain becomes unstable with solitary confinement.





Prolonged social isolation, as with solitary confinement in prisons, is associated with a 26 percent risk of premature death, and studies have shown that it shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain related to learning, memory, and spatial awareness. Some scientists estimate that loneliness shortens a person’s life span by 15 years and is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. “I think it’s not just that everybody loves social interaction and parties and whatnot,” Wheatley says. “I think it’s critically important to our mental and physical health.”






In one study, people were asked to perform a stressful task: prepare a five-minute speech and complete a verbal arithmetic task to perform in front of an audience. Each received either in-person support or support over text message. People felt happier after completing the task if they had received in-person support. “It wasn’t that texting was bad, it’s just that it was consistently not as good as in-person support,” says Susan Holtzman, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and one of the study’s authors. People benefit from visual clues like seeing a friend smile, which makes them smile too, she says. They also read audio clues; one study found that levels of a bonding hormone were higher among mothers and daughters who talked on the phone rather than texting one another. Another found that being in the same room as a loved one can ease pain.

“The thing that has to get solved on the tech side,” says Wheatley, “is the tech needs to kind of disappear so that you believe that you are in the room.”






… “It’s like learning a new language—not a complicated language, just different,” he says of adjusting to remote communication. “And once you get to understand the difference, we’ve noticed that people just adjust very naturally.”


… Spatial is also working on simulated blinking and lip syncing to make avatars look more life-like.


… They’re essential to combating another crisis, Lee says: climate change. If people work remotely, buildings will have smaller carbon footprints and people won’t need to fly across the world to meet. Holographic meetings would help the world cut down on carbon, Lee says.




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2 コメント

  1. けいこ 2020年4月20日

    小学二年生 七歳 女の子と男の子 いとこ同士。互いに行き来出来る距離には住んで居ないが大の仲良し。コロナウイルスで移動制限がかかり時間を持て余し、遊び始めたのがiPadを使ってのビデオ通話。始めはぎこちなかったが、いつの間にか夢中になり踊ったり笑ったり、遂には映画 コナン を一緒に観た。おもしろかった! 今の子供達はテクノロジー自体の存在を消して自分たちはいっしょに、この部屋にいるんだ!と思い込ませることが出来るのかなと? 子どもだからかな?

    • etwasneues 2020年4月20日 — 投稿者



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén