きょうはこんな状況下でも幸せになれるように・・・happinessとactivityの関係について、ラッセル(Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970)のエッセイ The Road to Happiness (1953) の一部を読んでみましょう。
It is impossible to be happy without activity, but it is also impossible to be happy if the activity is excessive or of a repulsive kind. Activity is agreeable when it is directed very obviously to a desired end and is not in itself contrary to impulse. A dog will pursue rabbits to the point of complete exhaustion and be happy all the time, but if you put the dog on a treadmill and gave him a good dinner after half an hour he would not be happy till he got the dinner, because he would not have been engaged in a natural activity meanwhile. One of the difficulties of our time is that, in a complex modern society, few of the things that have to be done have the naturalness of hunting. The consequence is that most people, in a technically advanced community, have to find their happiness outside the work by which they make their living. And if their work is exhausting their pleasure will tend to be passive. Watching a football match or going to the cinema leaves little satisfaction afterwards, and in no degree gratifies creative impulses. The satisfaction of the players, who are active, is of quite a different order.
1 things that people do, especially in order to achieve a particular aim (人が行うこと、とくに特別な目的を達成するために行うこと)
2 something that you do because you enjoy it (楽しいから行うもの)
3 a situation in which a lot of things are happening or a lot of things are being done (たくさんのことが生じる、または行われる状態)
アクティビティがなくては幸せになれないし、過度の アクティビティ やぞっとするような アクティビティ でも幸せにはなれない。アクティビティ は望み通りの結果に導いてくれるものだったり、衝動に反しないものであればここちよい、というわけ。
現在のような複雑な社会では、アクティビティに 狩猟時代の自然らしさがないことが問題なのね。
… Man is an animal, and his happiness depends upon his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy. This, incidentally, was the opinion of Jefferson, who on this ground deplored the horse. Language would have failed him if he could have foreseen the motor car.
e_mount 2020年4月21日 — 投稿者
etwasneues 2020年4月21日 — 投稿者
すごい!The Road to Happinessまっしぐらですね。でも10キロ歩くと次の日眠くなりません…?