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someone who is trained to treat people who are sick or injured.

ある人物(someone)を説明しているようね。さいしょの関係代名詞whoがその人のことを「人びとを治療するように訓練されている(is … people)」と 説明しています。

二番目の関係代名詞whoは、治療する相手、つまり、どんな人びとを治療するのか説明しています。「病気だったり怪我をしている(are … injured)」人びと、ということになるわね。答は、そう!「医師(doctor)」


Q1 An official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his or her own country.

ヒント 不思議な絵に描かれたふたりの職業は?

Q2 The seeds of a plant that have a sweet smell and are used especially in Mexican and Indian cooking, or the plant that they grow on.

ヒント 独特な香りで食欲がわく香辛料は?

Q3 A liquid soap that is used for washing your hair.

ヒント 毎晩使ってる?

Q4 Combining form (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) connected with the environment.

ヒント これを頭につけた言葉はたくさんあります

Q5 A plant which is used for making rope and cloth.

ヒント あるものの原料。こちら、と、こちら、を要チェック

Q6 the family name of three sisters from Yorkshire in the north of England, who wrote some of the most famous novels in English. One of them wrote Jane Eyre.

ヒント 英文学界の有名な姉妹たち

Q7 A German artist know for his drawing and engraving, especially his very detailed pictures of himself and other people.

ヒント 手にまつわるすてきなエピソードの持主は?

Q8 A country is southeast Asia, between Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.

ヒント 美味しい料理を堪能できる国です

Q9 The art of combining pictures, words, and decoration in the production of books, magazines etc.

ヒント この人が最初についた職業は?こちら、と、こちらに登場

Q10 A short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document.

ヒント 松本隊長の論文内容をすぐに知りたければ?

Q11 A large ape with long arms and reddish hair, that lives in Borneo and Sumatra.

ヒント 金森隊長や黒鳥隊長が調査するのは?

Q12 A piece of writing that expresses emotions, experiences, and ideas, especially in short lines using words that rhyme.

ヒント 日本語でも英語でも楽しめます

Q13 A happy time, place, or relationship is full of happy feelings and pleasant experiences, or has an atmosphere in which people feel happy.

ヒント 体を動かせばこれが得られる!

Q14 A picture of a person or an animal that represents a particular computer user, on a computer screen, especially in a computer game or chat room.

ヒント 映画もありました。こちら、と、こちら、を要チェック

Q15 A disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes, that is found in tropical areas and causes fever and severe pain in the joints.

ヒント 無事生還されてよかったです

Q16 An imaginary place or state in which everything is extremely bad or unpleasant.

ヒント やっぱり自由っていいですね

Q17 A yellow powder made from the root of an Asian plant, used in cooking as a spice, especially in curry.

ヒント 薬にも毒にも…

Q18 a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in people, animals and plants.

ヒント いま、みんなで戦っているもの。こちら、と、こちら、で要チェック

Q19 The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, especially that involved in the making of beers, wines, and spirits in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol.

ヒント からだにいい食品がたくさんあります

Q20 A Ratio showing the chances that a particular thing will happen.

ヒント 数学用語ではこういう意味

Q21 To make cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand or on a loom.

ヒント 地道な作業です

Q22 A compound which is present in most body tissues and is important in metabolism, and of which high concentrations in the blood are thought to promote atherosclerosis.

ヒント 多くても少なくてもダメ。こちら、と、こちら、で要チェック

Q23 The equivalent of tossing a coin to decide who goes first [a winner] by thrusting out one hand in one of three gestures to signify “rock” (closed fist), “paper” (open hand) or “scissors” (closed hand with index and middle finger extended).

ヒント 子どもも大人もこれで決着

Q24 Fair and reasonable; treating everyone in an equal way.

ヒント このデザインがめざしていることは?



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén