ターメリックは何に効くのでしょうか。厚生労働省がこのウェブサイトを勧めているわ・・・アメリカにある国立補完統合衛生センター(The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, NCCIH)といって、米政府が管理する科学・医学論文データベースから補完治療法に関する情報を提供しているところだそう。
Common Names: turmeric, turmeric root, Indian saffron
Latin Names: Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma domestica, Curcuma longa
What Is Turmeric?
- Turmeric, a plant related to ginger, is grown throughout India, other parts of Asia, and Central America.
- Historically, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, primarily in South Asia, for many conditions, including breathing problems, rheumatism, serious pain, and fatigue.
- Today, turmeric is used as a dietary supplement for inflammation; arthritis; stomach, skin, liver, and gallbladder problems; cancer; and other conditions.
- Turmeric is a common spice and a major ingredient in curry powder. Its primary active ingredients, curcuminoids, are yellow and used to color foods and cosmetics.
- Turmeric’s underground stems (rhizomes) are dried and made into capsules, tablets, teas, or extracts. Turmeric powder is also made into a paste for skin conditions.
さあ、ターメリックの特徴をつかめたかしら? ターメリックはショウガの仲間(a plant related to ginger)、 Ayurvedic medicine は「アーユルベーダ術」古代ヒンドゥー教徒の伝統医術よ。長寿術とも言われてます。呼吸器の病気(breathing problems)、リューマチ(rheumatism)、重い痛みや疲れ(serious pain, and fatigue)の治療に使われていたようね。現代では炎症(inflammation)、関節炎(arthritis)、胃、皮膚、肝臓、胆嚢の病気、癌などに対する栄養補給食品(a dietary supplement)として使われているそう。ほかにもターメリックの利用法が書いてあるわね。 読み取れたらメモをして!
How Much Do We Know?
- We have a lot of research, including studies done in people, on turmeric for a variety of health conditions.
What Are The Health Effects of Turmeric?
- Claims that curcuminoids found in turmeric help to reduce inflammation aren’t supported by strong studies.
- Preliminary studies found that curcuminoids may
- Reduce the number of heart attacks bypass patients had after surgery
- Control knee pain from osteoarthritis as well as ibuprofen did
- Reduce the skin irritation that often occurs after radiation treatments for breast cancer.
- Other preliminary studies in people have looked at curcumin, a type of curcuminoid, for different cancers, colitis, diabetes, surgical pain, and as an ingredient in mouthwash for reducing plaque.
- NCCIH has studied curcumin for Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and prostate and colon cancer.
ふーん・・・ターメリックが炎症を抑える効果があると言われているけれども、有力な研究によるものではないのね。予備研究(Preliminary studies)では、ターメリックに含まれているクルクミノイド(curcuminoids)という成分によってどんな効用があるか、いくつか分かっているようです。どんな効用があるか読みとってみましょう。また、NCCIHはクルクミン(curcumin)を使ってどんな病気に対する研究をしているでしょうか。
Is Turmeric Safe?
- Turmeric in amounts tested for health purposes is generally considered safe when taken by mouth or applied to the skin.
- High doses or long-term use of turmeric may cause gastrointestinal problems.
③鍋ににんにく、生姜 セロリ 玉ねぎをみじん切りにして炒める。