コロナ月間、きょうはチンパンジーの研究でおなじみの松本隊長が英語の宿題を出してくださいました。現在、隊長はアフリカ大陸から戻って自宅で謹慎中・・・いえ、論文執筆中。チンパンジー博士になるには、研究結果をまとめあげて論文にして、権威ある Journal (学術雑誌) に掲載してもらい、世界中のチンパンジー研究者たちに発信しなければなりません。今回は、去年隊長が投稿した論文内容は、チンパンジーもおやつを食べる、でしたね。それを英語で読んでみましょう。

Journal の査読者は、Abstractを読んでから、論文全体を読み進めるかどうかを判断しますから、Abstractの役割はとても重要なのです。

Abstractは「簡潔」かつ「明快」である必要があります。プラス、ウェブ上で検索してもらうためには、内容に関した重要なKey word(キーワード)が盛り込まれていることが必要。さあ、隊長のAbtract を読んでKey wordsは何か推測してみましょう!
Opportunistic feeding strategy in wild immature chimpanzees: Implications for children as active foragers in human evolution
Modern human (Homo sapiens) children are generally considered to be dependent on older individuals for foods, even after weaning. However, recent studies of hunter-gatherer societies have reported that children can also acquire food by themselves, although the degree of self-provisioning by children differs among groups and is considered a facultative adaptation. To investigate the dependence of children on older individuals for food and the importance of self-provisioning in early hominins, I examined feeding behavior in wild, immature chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). I studied 19 mother-offspring chimpanzee pairs in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania for approximately 22 months. Feeding behavior and interactions between mothers and their offspring were recorded. The results supported these three predictions: (1) immature chimpanzees need to feed more frequently than mothers because of increased basal metabolic rate and immature stomach capacity; (2) mothers provide effective opportunities to feed on high-quality food items which are similar to those of the mothers’; and (3) when feeding independently of their mothers, immature chimpanzees consume highly accessible food including non-adult foods nearby mothers to avoid getting lost and physical burden as with self-provisioning of human children in hunter gatherer societies. During non-simultaneous feeding bouts, immature individuals frequently consumed pith and wood. They may be valuable food items for immature individuals during their growth stage because they can be consumed year round and contain relatively higher crude ash and protein amounts, which may enable immature chimpanzees to manage the confines of their immature bodies, preventing them from matching adult feeding rhythms. This opportunistic feeding strategy is similar to self-provisioning by human children in hunter-gatherer societies. These results suggested that early hominin children performed self-provisioning based on opportunistic feeding strategies, and contributed to their food consumption by snacking in accordance with their metabolic needs and physical confines.

単語数は295ワード。松本隊長、ちょうどいい分量を心得ていらっしゃるわ。Key wordsはそれに関連する語なはず。また、よく出てくるwordにも注目ね。たとえば4回もでてくるself-provisioningってどういう意味か推測してみましょう。

隊長がKey wordsとしてあげている単語はこちらをごらんください。さあ、しっかり読んで、隊長の発見の要約を要約してみてね!
手塚拓郎 2020年4月13日
松本 2020年4月14日
Saburo 2020年4月14日 — 投稿者
松本卓也 2020年4月14日