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デング熱は、蚊に刺されることによって感染する疾患です。デング熱は急激な発熱で発症し、発疹、頭痛、骨関節痛、嘔気・嘔吐などの症状が見られます。通常、発症後2~7日で解熱し、発疹は解熱時期に 出現します。デング熱患者の一部は、まれに重症化してデング出血熱やデングショック症候群を発症することがあり、早期に適切な治療が行われなければ死に至ることがあります。


デング熱 / dengue fever



さあ、ここまで分かったところで、2014年当時のThe Japan Timeの記事を読んでみましょう。まず見出し語のYoyogi Parkとdengue (fever)とmosquito、この3つの語に注目。それから、数字が何を指しているのか、そのあたりを読みとっていくわよ!

Tokyo closes most of Yoyogi Park after dengue-carrying mosquitoes found

SEP 4, 2014
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government closed most of Yoyogi Park on Thursday after confirming that mosquitoes caught in traps earlier this week were carrying the dengue virus, metropolitan officials said.

The discovery confirmed the park as the site of infections for dozens of people over the past several weeks. Four traps out of the 10 placed by metropolitan officials contained mosquitoes carrying the virus, the officials said.

The number of patients has risen to 49 since last week in the first domestic outbreak of dengue fever since 1945, according to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.

While the patients hail from 11 prefectures, they all had recently spent time in or near Yoyogi Park, prompting mosquito traps to be installed there Tuesday.

Metropolitan officials said they closed the northern section of the 540,529 sq.-meter park. The area, known as Tokyo’s green oasis, has more than 15,300 trees ……. Dengue fever does not spread from person to person. Patients are struck with symptoms a fever around three to seven days after they are bitten by a virus-carrying mosquito, accompanied by head and muscle pains and a rash. Most cases involve mild symptoms, but some people may develop significant bleeding that can be life-threatening. Metropolitan government employees had collected 35 mosquitoes from the park last week, but none was found to carry the dengue virus.


こちらはイギリスのBBCの記事The Japan Timesにもあった情報、なかった情報は何かしら。

Japan tackles first dengue fever outbreak in 70 years

2 September 2014
Japan is battling its first outbreak of dengue fever in almost 70 years, with at least 22 people confirmed as being infected.

The health ministry said the cases were believed to have been contracted by visitors to Tokyo’s popular Yoyogi Park.

An outbreak of dengue fever was last recorded in Japan in 1945.

The tropical disease, which is spread by mosquitoes, causes symptoms like high fever and severe joint pain.

Severe cases may require hospital treatment and can occasionally develop into a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue, according to the World Health Organisation.

Japan sees imported cases of dengue fever each year, mostly from tourists who catch it while travelling to tropical regions, its health ministry said.

Domestic mosquitoes could have also picked up the dengue virus from tourists and passed it on, the ministry said.

Now the government is working to tackle the park thought to be the focus of the outbreak.

New warning signs have been put up and teams of workers in white overalls and masks have descended to spray insecticide and drain its ornamental ponds, says the BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tokyo.

The spread of the disease has been helped by an exceptionally wet summer but authorities say the outbreak should be killed off by the onset of autumn weather, our correspondent adds.

There are no vaccines or drugs against dengue but medical experts said avoiding mosquito bites was the best precaution.

A government hotline for dengue fever queries was also set up last week.

The disease is common in more than 100 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

At least 87 people died from dengue fever in Malaysia this year. An epidemic in India last year killed more than 100 people and inundated hospitals with patients.


ここでもうひとつ、覚えておきたいことばは”outbreak”と”virus”。こういった病気や戦争など悪いことがいきなり起こることを”outbreak”といいます。”virus”はウイルスのこと。内容的にもこのふたつの語はいっしょに使われることが多いということが分かるでしょう?ちなみに、virusの発音は 「ヴァイラス」[‘vaɪrəs]ということも忘れずに!


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2 コメント

  1. 調査隊はるか・ふみか・けいこ 2019年5月16日

    京都動物園でサインを頂いた はるか ふみか けいこ てつろう より!

    • まつもと 2019年5月29日


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